Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lennons Four Month Pictures!!

Lennon in her leopard ballet flats!

My favorite of the bunch!

On Saturday, Lennon, her Auntie Carly, and I went to J.C. Pennys to get Lennons pictures taken. When Lennon was first born I told Matt that I wanted to get her pictures taken every month to see her growth...well, every month turned into every 3 months...that turned into every 4 months once I realized that I was taking her for her 4 month doctors appointment and had never taken her to her "photo shoot". Every 4 months works out good, though...4 months, 8 months and 1 year. Hopefully, I can actually stick with it!! So, off we went at 10 o'clock on the morning...Lennon had her bottle, and we had our Starbucks. The lady that took her pictures was nice, but I noticed another client at the desk that she was looking at. I guess they must have been friends, because as soon as that lady was at the desk...all the picture taking stopped...but Lennon was done anyways, it was just about lunch time. So, we packed everything up and went to order. Here are just a few of the pictures that are my favorite...I love all of them, but I think 30+ pictures are too many to post! ENJOY!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Matt...

I don't know why, maybe it is because the wedding is so close, but lately I have been thinking about how much I really love Matt. We have been together for almost 8 years. It has had its ups and downs, but at the end of the day, we are always together. He is by far the best chance I have ever taken. I love him more than I thought was ever possible...and although he is going to get pissy about this, here are some reasons why I am lucky to spend the rest of my life with Matt.

-He loves with his whole heart.
-He is an unbelievable dad...from day one, which surprised me because I have never seen him hold a baby less than 6 months old.
-When he falls asleep at night, he snaps his toes(like he is snapping his fingers). It used to annoy me, now I find myself listening for it.
-He gets a kick out of correcting my grammar.
-He puts me and Lennon first.
-He is an awesome BBQ-er.
-He is still a kid at heart...the smallest things makes him happy.
-He wants nothing more to see a smile on my face each and every day.

There are so many more reasons why I love Matt. Even the things he does that annoy me (like leaving the cabinet doors open, one day I am going to have to go get stitches from running into one!), but they are all a part of him. There is not one thing that I would change about Matt...he is the best friend, dad, and soon to be husband anyone could ever ask for! I love you Boo!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Murphy and Caster

I figured since this blog was about our "family", I would add our first "kids" to our page. We got our chocolate lab, Murphy, about 4 years ago. He is definitely a daddy's boy. It doesn't matter what Matt is doing, Murphy is "helping". He goes fishing with Matt, plays music with Matt, follows Matt around the house, and helps Matt clean/fix something. I have never seen a dog that follows someone so closely as Murphy does to Matt. Murphy is an awesome dog, the only problem is that he is a little stuck up. You have to earn Murphy's love...and it takes time! Caster, our yellow lab, on the other hand, is a super lover! He will give anyone love! He is kind of emo in the sense that he prefers to be off by himself at night...we can all be in the living room watching tv, and Caster will be in the bedroom, in the dark, all by himself! He cracks me up. They really are awesome dogs! We love them so much!

I am a computer idiot...

So, you might notice that your comment is gone or it says that there are no followers on our blog...well, that would be because I am a dummy and erased our feel free to add us again and comment if you want...I will TRY not to erase anything this time!


Just as a warning...this has to do with giving your self shots...weak stomachs be ware!
As some of you may know, after I had Lennon, I had to be hospitalized for a week. On Halloween night, I went to bed and realized that I couldn't breathe. Matt came in the room and told me that it was probably a pulled muscle and the doctors probably wouldn't do much, which is what I thought too. So, around 11pm that night, I decided that I didn't care if the doctors weren't going to do anything, I was going to the ER. I grabbed my keys and was off. Well, I got to my car door and realized I probably shouldn't drive myself, so I walked to my parents house (one of the many perks living 3 doors down from them) and had my mom take me. We got the the ER and they took me right in and did a CAT scan. The doctor came back and said the pain was due to blood clots in my lungs that were cause by the labor and that I would have to stay in the hospital. I didn't take this too well...I had just gotten Lennon back from her stay due to Jaundice like a week prior. So I cried. A LOT. Unfortunately, tears don't matter to doctors, and I was admitted. Not into a room, they just moved me from one section of the ER to the next till a room up stair was available (it took about 9 hours, but that is not what this is about). So, since October 31, 2008, I have been on blood thinning pills and self giving 2 injections of a blood thinner a day. Fun, right. My blood is still too thick, so I am still on the injections. I will probably have to stay on the pills for the rest of my life my current doctor has told me (which by the way, not too many 25 year old are on blood thinners, actually non at the office I go is all OLD, and I mean like 75-80 year old). I give myself this shot once in the morning and once in the evening, in the stomach (it has the most fatty tissue)...and today I talked with my doctor to let her know that in the past, the injection site bruises really bad, like a 2" circumference around the injection, but it doesn't hurt...but now, I get a tiny bruise around the injection site and it hurts all day long! Hurts bad! She tells me to talk to the Lab people about it, they might have a suggestion. Since I go to the lab daily (to get blood drawn to check my levels, which might I add, if I were to ever get pulled over and the officer see my arms, I am done for...I look like a junkie!), I asked the guy. Know what his response was..."We draw out, not inject in, maybe you should ask you doctor". Well, that did make sense, but I am so frustrated about this! Ugh. Don't pictures of any needles or anything...I figured if I don't want to see it, I won't make you!

Happy 4 Months Lennon!

Lennon had her 4 month appointment today. It is crazy to think that she has been around for a third of a year already! When she was born, she was 6 lb even and 18 inches long, putting her in the 10% category for her height and weight. Today, she is 15 lbs 3 oz and 25 inches long, putting her in the 75% category! She has gotten so big! She is the best baby ever...she sleeps through the night (from about 9-9:30ish pm to 7ish am). She is starting to take a cat nap in the morning for about 30-45 minutes instead of her 2 hour nap that she used to take, but she is still taking a 2 1/2-3 hour nap later in the afternoon. She smiles at everything and is starting to talk more and more each day. She learned that she can fit her bottle/pacifier in her mouth with a finger or two...and that fingers can push out bottles and pull of pacifiers! Lennon is still so funny in the is Matts favorite time with her...she is so happy and talkative! She hasn't rolled over yet, but the doctor said that it should happen within the next month or so. She still hates to be on her tummy...but is getting better about it everyday. Lennon did get her shots today, and she didn't cry for the first shot, but the second shot the nurse gave her she screamed bloodly murder! I know must moms would cry to see their baby cry, but all I could do was laugh...she surprised me with how she took the first shot, and I figured that she would have taken the second one the same...boy was I wrong! She is fine now...after a bottle and some mommy love she is out! We love her so much and can't wait till we get all of her "stats" at her 6 month appointment!

Happy Valentines Day!

This year was the first year that Matt and I actually did something for Valentines Day. Well, not really on Valentines Day, we celebrated on the 13th (neither one of us has patience...we don't do lines or waits well!). We decided that we were going to go to Monterey Bay Canners for dinner. It was so yummy! We got this super big appetizer combo that had Coconut Shrimp, Crab Stuffed Mushrooms, Calamari, Lobster Quesadillas and the best Garlic Bread was awesome. For dinner I got the Filet and Lobster Tail (and it was really good!) and Matt got a combo plate that had a little of everything! I wish I would have taken a picture of our food so you could see how good it was! It makes me hungry thinking about it! Matts mom watched Lennon for us, and we were talking about taking advantage of our "adult" time and go see a movie or soon as we got in the car, all of our food hit the bottoms (and the tops for that matter!) of our stomachs. We were so full, but it was so worth it. On Valentines Day, my dad, brother, Lennon and I went to a family birthday party, while Matt spent the day with his true love...FISHING! He was so happy to get out of the house and go have some "guy" time...the only problem was that all of his friends had taken their girlfriends on nice, romantic weekend get aways! When I got home, we went and got some Take and Bake Pizzas and had a family night with Lennon and the dogs watching movies...probably the best Valentines Day yet!


So, Matt and I had this great idea to cut cost on wedding invitation. Instead of buying them, we would buy a kit to make them ourselves. We spent about an hour and a half trying to figure out the font and spacing that we liked the best. We ended up agreeing on a design and printed them all out that night. The next morning I had planned to put the response cards in their addressed and stamped envelopes, and tie all the ribbons on the invitations, stuff the invites and response cards into their addressed and stamped envelope, and then seal them( just a note: if you ever need to seal 100+ envelopes, using a moist sponge is an awesome idea, as long as it doesn't have the scrubbers on the back...another lesson I learned during this ordeal!) I was so excited when I was finished. I left Matt's dad's invitation on the counter at his house, and was off the the post office to get them sent. I was the next person in line to drop off a grocery bag full of invitations when Matt called. He let me know that his dad had just called him to let us know that we had printed: Saturday, March 22, 2009. Well, our wedding is on Sunday, March 22! Yeah...over an hour of looking at the invites and neither one of us noticed! So, we decided to try to steam open each envelope (which worked, and saved us the 42 cents per invite!), and see if we could buy another box of invites so we could still use the response cards. My mom and I looked at different stores to see if we could find where! So, we ended up buying new invites and responses, reprinting them and gluing the envelope closed! So, let this be a lesson...have someone other than the people working on the project check your work before you are done! The good news is that I am an expert on doing your own let me know if you ever need help!

Rocking Out!

For Christmas, Matt's 8 year old niece, Karlee, wanted a guitar. Matt's dad and the two of us went in on a pink acoustic guitar for her. She was so excited out it. To top it off, Matt learned how to play "LoveBug" by the Jonas Brothers and "Our Song" by Taylor Swift. He has been teaching Karlee how to play and she is pretty good!

Lennon's First Christmas

2008 was Lennon's First Christmas. I don't think she was as excited as Matt and I were about it. We spent Christmas Eve with the Leddy family and Christmas Day with the Irwin family. Lennon got tons of toys and clothes! I can hardly wait for next year when she will start to understand the whole opening presents deal.

Happy Baby!

I can't get over how often Lennon smiles! She has the cutest smile with her squinty little eyes! I crack up every time she does it. And she has so many different versions!

Introducing Miss Lennon Rose Leddy!

Lennon Rose was born on October 16, 2008. She weighed 6lbs and was 18 inches long. She is absolutely gorgeous. She did have jaundice, so she did have to stay at the hospital little longer than we would have liked, but she is healthy as can be now!