So, Matt and I FINALLY got married on Sunday, March 22, was awesome. I am planning on writing and posting pictures about the fun we had once Lennon goes down for a nap, but until then, here is a short story for you all.
Sunday morning (the day of our wedding), at about 5:00am, I had what I thought was
indigestion. So, I threw on my sweats and ventured out to find the closest drug store for some Tums. I took a few and started to feel better, and carried on with my day, which I will go into COMPLETE detail in a future blog.
Tuesday morning at about 1:00am I had the same back to the Tums I went. This time it didn't work. I sat in our on the mattress of towels that I made in our extra bathroom, hoping that I would throw up to feel better. 3:00 am came around, and I was not feeling better...
in fact, while sitting there, I started to think maybe this icky feeling has something to do with my blood clots, so I called the advice nurse. She told me to come in, so I woke my mom up and off we were to the
Sutter ER. They took a CAT scan to make sure it wasn't clot related, and fortunately, the clots were all clear (which is awesome news!), but the not so good news was that it was my
gallbladder. They did a test were they put dye into my liver to see how fast it would move to my
gallbladder. Depending on the length of time would determine how soon I would need to have my
gallbladder removed. Wouldn't you know that after a hour and a half, that darn dye was no where near my
gallbladder! So, I was admitted (2 days after my
fabulous wedding) to under go surgery! Surgery went fine, and I ended up staying a 2 nights in the hospital, but I am home now with 4 tiny
incisions and a lot of pain! But,
at least it is out and I won't have to worry about it anymore! So that is how I spent my "honeymoon"...laid up in a hospital bed with a roommate that is 3 times my age (and had the room set to 83 degrees...and the nurses wondered why I had a 100 degree temp!).
Check back soon, and I will have wedding pictures and stories know nothing in my life goes off with out a included!
PS...Sorry Nikki for being short with you Tuesday morning! It was the pain talking!!