We just got a Flip Camcorder. After Lennon's bath tonight, Matt took her into his office to play some music and this is what happened. We love out naked dancing baby!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Itchy Eyes, Owies, Uh-Oh's and Pig Tails
We have been pretty busy lately. Matt is going through the process for the California Department of Corrections, Lennon has been growing like a WEED, getting cuter by the minute, and I have had some of the WORST allergies EVER!! I have had the itchy/watery eyes, the stuffing/runny nose, and the un-stoppable sneezes...it is awful! It has been so nice outside lately, and I am miserable every time I step foot out the door! Lennon, on the other hand, has absolutely no issue with allergies...or if she does, she isn't letting it stop her. She spends the majority of the day "exploring" the backyard with our two dogs (that I think traded us in...they follow Lennon's every move, and I am sure the fact that she "shares" her snacks with them has nothing to do with it!). She is a tough little cookie. Her poor knees have scrapes and bruises on them from falling outside, climbing up on things (that she KNOWS she SHOULDN'T be!). She points to her "owies" and says "UH-OH". It cracks up us! She is getting so big. She is starting to understand more and more every hour of everyday! She walks around the backyard yelling "Bahhh-bah" (Grandpa) knowing he is just on the other side of the fence. She is infatuated with scarves and necklaces lately. She puts them on the dogs, on herself, on her babies and on her daddy. She is one styling chick. She still watches Yo Gabba Gabba, and dances all through it. She has some pretty good moves :) She started singing more and more...she has a "song" for when she wants a bottle, for going "bye-bye". She is starting to say more words, although the only recognizable ones are "CHEESE", "PLEASE", "MAMA", and "DADDY". She dances, spins, jumps and sings her way through each and everyday. She also LOVES to have her hair in pig tails. She sits completely still on the bathroom counter in front of the mirror so they can be just right. It works out well because she kind of has a mullet. When her hair is wet, it is super long, but it curls up as soon as it dries, and it is all from the ear back. Poor thing has some bangs in front and that about it. But she is a cutie none of the less! Well, I am going to enjoy some Mothers Day chocolate cake with my Lennon Rose...Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms!

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