Lennon had her 4 month appointment today. It is crazy to think that she has been around for a third of a year already! When she was born, she was 6 lb even and 18 inches long, putting her in the 10% category for her height and weight. Today, she is 15 lbs 3 oz and 25 inches long, putting her in the 75% category! She has gotten so big! She is the best baby ever...she sleeps through the night (from about 9-9:30ish pm to 7ish am). She is starting to take a cat nap in the morning for about 30-45 minutes instead of her 2 hour nap that she used to take, but she is still taking a 2 1/2-3 hour nap later in the afternoon. She smiles at everything and is starting to talk more and more each day. She learned that she can fit her bottle/pacifier in her mouth with a finger or two...and that fingers can push out bottles and pull of pacifiers! Lennon is still so funny in the mornings...it is Matts favorite time with her...she is so happy and talkative! She hasn't rolled over yet, but the doctor said that it should happen within the next month or so. She still hates to be on her tummy...but is getting better about it everyday. Lennon did get her shots today, and she didn't cry for the first shot, but the second shot the nurse gave her she screamed bloodly murder! I know must moms would cry to see their baby cry, but all I could do was laugh...she surprised me with how she took the first shot, and I figured that she would have taken the second one the same...boy was I wrong! She is fine now...after a bottle and some mommy love she is out! We love her so much and can't wait till we get all of her "stats" at her 6 month appointment!
There's my button! My gosh I wasn't sure what happened to her with "your other kids" on the blog. hehe I can't wait to see my girl. Tell her that auntie PBG will be by to see her Saturday, it will make her show her gums (smile of course) I had to make sure you understood because I heard you say "huh". Anyhooters see ya when I see ya